Last updated November 28th, 2014. New reviews are here.
UPDATE! I admit, I have been neglecting the site. But I am back, the updates may be slow, but they'll be coming so bookmark us and check back. Thanks!
About my horror movie reviews. I have tried to write very basic and short reviews for a quick idea of what a movie is about and to present my opinion of both the good and bad aspects of the movie. I rarely tell too much but occasionally will give away an ending, when I do that I will start with PLOT SPOILER so don’t read beyond that if you don’t want to know too much. At the end of each review I give a letter grade. I admit, the letter grade is really just a gut feeling and isn’t based on anything in particular. You may run across reviews where I seem to rip on a movie and then give it a good grade, and then another movie may have a good review but a lower grade. Some of that is due to the fact these reviews have been written over the course of several years and my tastes and style have changed a little, or sometimes I just expect more from some writers, directors, etc. and may have over-all liked a movie but been disappointed in the end.
I also often try and compare a movie to others or present it within its subgenre by saying "if you like point-of-view-movies like..." or "if you hate silent movies" to help in deciding if a movie is for you or not. I tend to grade pretty easily at times and probably have too many ‘As’ out there, but the reason I did this site to begin with is because I like horror movies, even ones lots of others don’t like! So if you’re only an occasional horror movie watcher, you may want to knock a few points off of my at times over enthusiastic grades. One more thing about the grades, a while back I added what I call "The Craptacular Scale". I use this when a movie is so bad it's good, so an A on The Craptacular Scale is not the same as an A! I haven't used this consistently over the history of this site so you may only see it here and there until I can go through and fix all the older reviews.
Finally, I do tend to define horror pretty loosely on this site. Merriam Webster's defines horror as "painful and intense fear, dread, or dismay" an "intense aversion or repugnance", or "the quality of inspiring horror: repulsive, horrible, or dismal quality or character" and "something that inspires horror". My definition is at times a tad looser than even that! Some feel horror movies should have some sort of supernatural component to qualify, which leaves out serial killer movies like "Psycho", "Seven" or "Saw", which are horrific by the definition above and only a step or two away from movies like "Halloween", which at the end of the day does have a supernatural element included. The bleed over between horror and science fiction is another area for debate. "Frankenstein" has long been considered horror, but is really more sci-fi; and movies like "Alien" blur the lines even further. And lastly, the ‘suspense thriller’; I include quite a few of those on the site as I am a big fan of Hitchcock, although I admit, many of these don’t fit any definition of horror, they do often invoke suspense (obviously) which can be a close kin to feelings of horror.
So don’t get too sticky on me with definitions, just cruise over the pages and find some movies you might dig.
Thanks! To my wife for watching most of these movies with me, to DannyBoy for pointing toward some good (and so bad they're good) flicks and for helping in answering some of the questions I get from visitors, and to SD for lending me some from his collection.
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